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【進階】WSET Level3 課程

英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會清酒進階級課程 WSET Level 3 Award in Sake 本資格為使用英文教材、英文授課、英文測驗

26,000 新台幣



本資格為使用英文教材、英文授課、英文測驗 因此課程相關說明亦以英文介紹 For individuals seeking to develop their expertise in sake, this qualification will provide you with a detailed understanding of the production methods that affect the style, quality and price of sake. Upon completion you will be able to assess sakes accurately, and use this information and your understanding of sakes to make authoritative recommendations. Upon successful completion you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin, and will be able to use the associated WSET certified logo. Qualification Structure(課程內容) Unit 1: The Theory of Sake Learning Outcome 1:Identify the main ingredients and the choices that are involved in the production of sake and explain how they influence the style and quality of the sakes that are produced. Learning Outcome 2:Identify and describe the characteristics of the principal and speciality categories of sake; recognise, define and explain important labelling terms and the factors influencing the style, quality and price of these sakes. Learning Outcome 3:Identify and state the role of the principal sake trade organisations in Japan and state the commercial importance of sake in the Japanese and export markets. Learning Outcome 4:Demonstrate the ability to provide information and advice to customers and staff about sake. Unit 2: The Analytical Tasting of Sake How to taste sake, and evaluate quality, identity and price, using the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting Sake® (SAT) Assessment(考試) Unit 1:Assessed by a closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions and a paper of short written answers. Unit 2:Assessed by a blind tasting of two sakes.


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